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Sofle is 6×4+5 keys column-staggered split keyboard with encoder support. Based on Lily58, Corne and Helix keyboards. SofleKeyboard version 1 and 2 were created by Josef Adamcik. Sofle RGB was contributed by Dane Evans.

Build guide is available here.

If you are interested in building the board and don’t want to bother with KiCad, the gerber files are available in releases or as zip files in github repository


Version 1

SofleKeyboard v1

The first version is mostly a modification of Lilly58 Pro. Motivation and detailed information is covered in the following blog-post: Let me introduce you SofleKeyboard - a split keyboard based on Lily58 and Crkbd.

There were several group buys and PCBs or kits were available through several sellers.

Build guide is available here.

Version 2

SofleKeyboard v1 and v2

Changes a stagger of columns and position of the bottom row a bit. The whole board was rerouted, shape changed slightly. Below version 1 in yellow, version 2 in blue.

SofleKeyboard v1/v2 layout comparison

A few experiments were made:

Those changes were experiments and I have been planning to reverse them and/or tweak them more. Details in the following blog-post: Sofle Keyboard evolution: slow and not really steady.

Since the development was not moving forward for several months and there were many people interested in the new layouts (including group buys and vendors willing to sell kits), it was decided to release it in the current state as the version 2. Only one obvious problem was fixed (a too small size of a cut-out for encoder in the top plate).

Build guide is available here.


⚠ If you bought Sofle RGB from Keyhive, see the disclamer below, please.

SofleKeyboard RGB

Sofle RGB was contributed by Dane Evans.

The Sofle RGB is a copy of the Sofle v2 with the addition of up to 36 RGB LEDs per side. If you are just looking to try out that layout, and are using the cherry sockets only, then this will work for you.

The original pro-micro pinout was rolled back and routing was redone.

The OLED placement and OLED cover plate holes have not changed, and a plate has been designed.

Build guide is available here.

⚠ Keyhive RGB

One keyboard vendor - Keyhive - is selling their own fork of Sofle RGB. This version is modified in way that makes it incompatible with the firmware for the official designs. You have to use the firmware provided by the vendor and build guide provided by them as well. Please, don’t report problems with the desing and or firmware to this repository. Their modification is not part of the repository and therefore we cannot fix the problems or help you. Contact the vendor instead. In the end, you are their client.

Build guide is available here.


Sofle Choc

The Sofle Choc is a variation of the Sofle with:

The Sofle Choc was contributed by Brian Low and based on the excellent Sofle RGB by Dane Evans.

Build guide is available here.




Sofle uses QMK firmware

See the build environment setup and the make instructions for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our Complete Newbs Guide.

Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):

make sofle:default

Flash the default keymap:

make sofle:default:avrdude

Press reset button on he keyboard when asked.

Disconnect the first half, connect the second one and repeat the process.

You can also use QMK configurator but beware, it does not support rotary encoders yet.

Default layout

Default layout for SofleKeyboard

Version 1 at the top, version 2 at the bottom:


Version 1


SofleKeyboard Choc

SofleKeyboard PCB




SofleRGBKeyboard PCB